The RetroWorld Farm

An insight into the unique offering of our decentralised yield-optimiser

We have spent countless hours creating a user friendly and intuitive farming UI and experience for all of our community. Many farms fail to push the bar of what is possible utilising React and NodeJS, but in this respect we have left no stone unturned.

Our Retro/Windows 98 theme runs throughout our ecosystem and speed of execution is not compromised due to our attention to detail and optimisation. To begin exploring our industry leading platform... Just Press START

Our LP Farming Platform (Key Facts and Metrics)

After extensive consideration and revision we have decided on the release schedule and reward structure of our LP Farming platform. In this farm users can deposit their RETRO/BNB LP to receive (GLD) tokens and (WBNB)*

Block Rewards : 2.80 (GLD) per BLOCK

Lock-Up Period : 48 Hours, with a 0.25 % early withdrawal fee

Deposit Fee : 0 % no deposit fee will be charged for the Retro-BNB LP (However 1% will be charged for alternate pools*

The Retro Auto-Compounder : The Auto-Compound feature allows our farmers in our Retro-BNB pool to multiply their rewards exponentially. This can be done as an alternative to withdrawing rewards early and will re-start the lock-up counter. You will receive a ramped up reward schedule multiplier for initiating a compound and the mathematical mapping of this can be seen below :

Alternate Farms : We will add CAKE/BNB, BUNNY/BNB, BUSD/BNB, ETH/BNB, USDT/BUSD, BTCB/BNB, UNI/BNB, DOT/BNB, LINK/BNB initially + Many more as part of RetroDAO (TBA)

Building on Pancakeswap Farms (Optimisation and Multiplication of APY) :

Our lead farming contract acts as a layer on-top of existing Pancakeswap LP's for our alternative farm additions. This allows us to offer APY rates that exceed Pancakeswap many times over and provide you rewards in (GLD) our farming token and in some cases (WBNB or CAKE).

The deposit fee will be 1% for these LP's and lock-up period will remain at 48 hours or 0.5% penalty.

Below you can see the mathematical layer application applied to enhance the APY reward distributions for our alternative pools :

(β = 0.115; p < .05) APY Assumption (From Pancakeswap Call)

F2 = (R2 with moderator–R2 without moderator) / (1- R2 with moderator) (Determine APY)

Last updated